BioCycle Authority in the USA mentioned LIFE4HeatRecovery in their Anaerobic Digest (July 2019, Vol. 60 No. 5, p. 16) here.
Verdé blog shared information about our project. Read the article in here (July 2019)
ESI, Africa's Power Journal, published an article about LIFE4HEatRecovery in their ESI Africa Issue 3-2019 (July 2019). Read it here.
EnviroTec Magazine released an article regarding LIFE4HeatRecovery on their website. Read it here (June 2019).
Projects Magazine interviewed Roberto Fedrizzi, the coordinator of LIFE4Heatrecovery. Click here to read it (June 2019).
The radio broadcast Smart City interviewed our project coordinator Roberto Fedrizzi about Life4HeatRecovery. You can listen to the interview (in Italian) here. IMPORTANT: if the page shows a "504 Gateway Time-out" error, just refresh it.
An article in Casa&Clima nr. 76 released in December 2018 talking about Life4HeatRecovery can be dowloaded (in Italian) here.
Servizi a rete talked abous us in October 2018. Read it (in Italiani) here.
Ingenio article about Life4HeatRecovery (in Italian) here (October 2018).
Infobuild Energia article about Life4HeatRecovery (in Italian) here (October 2018).
AltoAdige Innovazione article about Life4HeatRecovery (in Italian) here (October 2018).