
LIFE4HeatRecovery partners met in Heerlen the 12-13 October 2022.

The first day of meeting was focused on the activities of the Ospitaletto, Heerlen and Aalborg demo cases.

A discussion regarding early adopters and partner cities carried on, while in the afternoon 3 demos were visited: the cluster energy center, a swimming pool and the multifunctional center.


The second day of the meeting began with a roundtable regarding the analysis of SPINERGY and KWA, previous partner experiences and possible scenarios for future energy prices.


The final act of the meeting was a joint discussion on replication of the solutions proposed by LIFE4HeatRecovery, in detail:


  • the experience of the consortium's partners in the identification of waste heat recovery cases and feedbacks in using GIS tool;
  • their experience in planning and perform preliminary design, with feedbacks on modelling development;
  • future opportunities for partners and the solutions applied in the project.


Next consortium meeting will be in April 2023.


LIFE4HeatRecovery partners met in Heerlen the 12-13 October 2022.

The first day of meeting was focused on the activities of the Ospitaletto, Heerlen and Aalborg demo cases.

A discussion regarding early adopters and partner cities carried on, while in the afternoon 3 demos were visited: the cluster energy center, a swimming pool and the multifunctional center.


The second day of the meeting began with a roundtable regarding the analysis of SPINERGY and KWA, previous partner experiences and possible scenarios for future energy prices.


The final act of the meeting was a joint discussion on replication of the solutions proposed by LIFE4HeatRecovery, in detail:


  • the experience of the consortium's partners in the identification of waste heat recovery cases and feedbacks in using GIS tool;
  • their experience in planning and perform preliminary design, with feedbacks on modelling development;
  • future opportunities for partners and the solutions applied in the project.


Next consortium meeting will be in April 2023.


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LIFE4HeatRecovery svilupperá e dimosterá l'efficacia di una nuova generazione di teleriscaldamento e teleraffrescamento smart, dove il calore di scarto a bassa temperatura é distribuito come lo sono gli utenti
