Click on the images for information about the results of LIFE4HeatRecovery

Click on the videos for more information about the activities of the project

LIFE4HeatRecovery presented at SES 2021 Conference


08.10.2021 - Marco Cozzini from Eurac Research presented at the 7th International Conference on Smart Energy Systems that was held virtually on 20-21 September 2021.


The aim of the conference is to establish a venue for presenting and discussing scientific findings and industrial experiences related to the subject of Smart Energy Systems based on renewable energy, 4th Generation District Heating Technologies and Systems (4GDH), electrification of heating and transportation sectors, electro fuels and energy efficiency. 


The presentation, entitled Performance measurement and detailed modelling of an existing neutral-temperature DH network based on decentralized HPs can be downloaded here




LIFE4HeatRecovery will develope and demonstrate the effectiveness of a new generation of smart district heating and cooling network, where low-temperature waste heat sources are as distributed as consumers are.
